Portfolio Oversight Specialist - IPSA-10 Job at United Nations Development Programme (HQ)

United Nations Development Programme (HQ) United States



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

Office/Unit/Project Description

UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP’s policy work carried out at HQ, Regional and Country Office levels offers a spectrum of deep local knowledge to cutting-edge global perspectives and advocacy. In this context, UNDP invests in its Global Policy Network (GPN), a network of field-based and global technical expertise across a wide range of knowledge domains and in support of the signature solutions and organizational capabilities envisioned in UNDP’s Strategic Plan.

Within the GPN, the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) has the responsibility for developing all relevant policy and guidance to support the results of UNDP’s Strategic Plan. BPPS staff provide technical advice to Country Offices, advocates for UNDP corporate messages, represent UNDP at multi-stakeholder fora including public-private, government and civil society dialogues, and engage in UN inter-agency coordination in specific thematic areas.

UNDP's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan highlighting our continued commitment to eradicating poverty, accompanying countries in their pathways towards the SDGs and working towards the Paris Agreement. As part of the Global Policy Network in the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP's Nature, Climate, Energy, and Waste (NCE&W) Hubs promote and scale up integrated whole-of-governance approaches and nature-based solutions that reduce poverty and inequalities, strengthen livelihoods and inclusive growth, mitigate conflict, forced migration and displacement, and promote more resilient governance systems that advance linked peace and security agendas.

BPPS’ Hubs on Nature, Climate, Energy and Waste work with governments, civil society, and private sector partners to integrate nature, climate, energy and waste related concerns into national and sector planning and inclusive growth policies, support country obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements, and oversee the implementation of the UN’s largest portfolio of in-country programming nature, climate change, energy, and waste. This multi-billion-dollar portfolio encompasses:

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services including forests;
Sustainable Land Management and Desertification including food and commodity systems;
Water and Ocean Governance including SIDS;
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation;
Sustainable Energy;
Extractive Industries;
Chemicals and Waste Management;
Environmental Governance and Green/Circular Economy; and SCP approaches.

This work advances crosscutting themes on innovative finance, digital transformation, capacity development, human rights, gender equality, health, technology, and South-South learning.

In addition to UNDP’s bilateral partnerships on nature climate and energy, UNDP is an accredited multilateral implementing agency of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Multilateral Fund (MLF), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) which includes the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund (GEF Trust Fund); the Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF); the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF); and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF). The Nature, Climate, Energy and Waste Hubs focus on managing the oversight of climate and environmental financial resources from global trust funds to catalyze and unlock other types of public and private financing for sustainable development. This includes oversight of the design as well as implementation phase of projects (together with Country Offices and Regional Bureaus), as well as portfolio level oversight and management.

As an implementing agency to the GEF, UNDP supports countries access GEF funds to fulfill their obligations to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement (PA). These obligations include submissions of National Communications (NCs), Biennial Update Reports (BURs), and Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) which help countries assess their emissions mitigation potential. In addition, UNDP supports countries to build monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks and enhance GHG inventories for increased transparency in emission reduction reporting. In this regard, UNDP also supports countries access GEF funds for the Capacity- Building Initiative on Transparency (CBIT). These reporting obligations and capacity-building initiatives are collectively known as “Enabling Activities” for Climate Change by the GEF Secretariat and partners.

Further, led by UNDP’s Climate Policy and Strategies Team, the “Climate Promise” initiative is the world’s largest offer of support to countries on National Determined Contributions enhancement and has contributed to an increase of climate mitigation and adaptation ambition. At COP26, the second phase of the Climate Promise was launched entitled: From Pledge to Impact. This phase will aim at supporting countries to implement their NDCs and enable achievement of targets. One of the most critical challenges to countries in designing and delivering their NDC targets is effective data and transparency. The ability to track, monitor and report on NDC progress directly informs an understanding and ability to advance ambition in subsequent NDC revisions. As such, Transparency has become a critical workstream within UNDP’s Climate Promise.

The Portfolio Oversight Specialist will provide technical oversight to a portfolio of projects and programmes which support countries to access GEF funds for Climate Change Enabling Activities as described above. S/he will also contribute technical knowledge and policy advice to UNDP’s overall offer on Transparency frameworks, in coordination with the Climate Policy and Strategies Team. The incumbent will report to the Global Technical Specialist and Portfolio Coordinator on Climate Strategies.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Portfolio Oversight Specialist will provide second level oversight, quality assurance and compliance with fund/donor requirements for NCE programming initiatives during the design phase and implementation phase and ensure portfolio wide risk-based oversight of the NCE portfolio, for the related technical area, i.e. the preparation of national reports under UNFCCC and the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement. The Portfolio Oversight Specialist is primarily responsible for providing technical, policy, and programming implementation support and oversight, and knowledge and capacity development services pertaining to the work of the NCE Team signature programmes to UNDP country offices, working with other UN agencies, governments and inter-governmental organizations, NGO’s, and donors.

The Portfolio Oversight Specialist will also contribute technical knowledge and policy advice to the rollout of UNDP’s offer on Transparency, in coordination with the Climate Policy and Strategies Team, under the Climate Promise initiative, and participate in transparency- related forums and groups such as the Partnership for Transparency of the Paris Agreement (PATPA), the Group of Friends led by UNFCCC, CBIT Global Coordination Platform, etc., as well as UNFCCC-led negotiations on reporting obligations and transparency frameworks, if and when requested.

Specific results are expected in the areas of:

Innovation, Strategic Leadership, Policy Dialogue and Advocacy:

Provide support to establishing contact and developing strategic partnerships with other UN agencies, donors, NGOs, the private sector, scientific institutions and the like on issues related to reporting obligations to the UNFCCC, climate change enabling activities and transparency frameworks;
Contributing to the identification, development and implementation of new strategic programming opportunities and partnerships in the area of reporting obligations to the UNFCCC, climate change enabling activities and transparency frameworks;
Participating in global and region-based work-planning meetings, strategic planning, pipeline management exercises, etc. if and when required;
Keeping the Regional Teams informed of trends and issues with respect to the substantive technical area;
Keeping the Senior Technical Advisors informed of trends and issues in the regions;
Participating in cross-cutting technical dialogues, strategic visioning and programming, and other collaboration when required with global and regional teams;
Contributing to the identification, development and implementation of new strategic programming opportunities and partnerships in the area of climate change reporting and capacity-building for enhanced transparency.

Programming, Resource Mobilization and Quality Assurance Design:

Supporting the development of strategic policy and guidance for strengthening UNDP Country Offices with project design and implementation of projects related to reporting obligations to the UNFCCC, climate change enabling activities and transparency frameworks, in alignment with national priorities;
Supporting programme and project identification and development for integrated, strategic and/or high-risk projects, in line with project origination Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed Matrix of responsibilities.
Providing timely and quality information and technical advice on sources of funds, policies, priorities and activities for the formulation and implementation of national reports and CBIT projects;
Provide 2nd level technical quality assurance and compliance checks with UNDP technical investment criteria on nature, climate and energy related matters and fund/donor requirements, across the process of preparation, design, submission, reviews and approval of project concepts and full-fledged proposals, in line with Fund/donor/UNDP policies and requirements;
Provide 2nd level quality assurance, in coordination with relevant units across NCE in line with the POPP and RACI, on alignment of budgets, procurement plans, safeguard appraisals, and etc. associated with the project with fund/donor requirements,
Provide second line quality assurance to ensure the required due diligence of Implementing Partners has been completed by the CO (in coordination with the Regional Bureau) and CO capacities are assessed and taken into account to inform the implementation arrangements and risk management in line with the policies of the fund/donor and UNDP
Providing guidance and support in the identification and sourcing of technical expertise and support including providing technical inputs for the preparation of TORs, identification and evaluation of experts and reviewing reports;

Portfolio Management- Quality Assurance and Development Impact:

Assisting with inception, contracting and startup of projects including establishment of indicators, benchmarks and work plans to ensure that these align with the technical investment criteria and the requirements of funds/donors;
Supporting UNDP country offices and project implementation partners in supervision, monitoring, troubleshooting and adaptive management (including project revisions and extensions, etc.) in line with Fund/donor policies and requirements.
Undertake supervision mission aimed at (a) verification of results and (b) troubleshooting to manage technical quality assurance risks
Undertake risk management oversight of technical risks that compromise the effectiveness and efficiency of the Fund/donor approved projects, including conducting risk-based second tier portfolio oversight and support CO/RBX/BPPS to address escalated GEF project risks/critical issues (through Action Plan)
Maintaining project and portfolio information and corporate information systems;
Support the identification and sourcing of technical expertise including assisting with the preparation of TORs, identification and evaluation of experts, and reviewing reports.
Review and technical support to Country Offices (COs) to finalize annual Project Implementation Reviews (PIR) including providing inputs to the commentary for each PIR, liaising with COs and project teams as required, and editing the PIR for yearly submission, as required;
Analyzing results and follow-up on relevant project progress reports as necessitated by the GEF Secretariat, the UNDP and the UNFCCC, including annual NC, BUR, BTR status surveys;
Developing guidance and tools for country offices to utilize in operationalizing projects inception, contracting and startup of projects including establishment of indicators, benchmarks and work plans;

Learning, Knowledge Management and Self Development:

Evaluating, capturing, codifying, synthesizing lessons and stimulating the uptake of best practices and knowledge, including the development of knowledge materials;
Peer reviewing, commenting on, and seeking to improve the technical quality of projects, policies, practices, guidelines, advisory notes, publications and the like;
Contributing to the preparation of regional Community of Practice meetings;
Supporting the preparation and delivery of training courses;
Support the development of knowledge products of relevance to UNDP’s support to countries on reporting obligations to the UNFCCC and transparency frameworks;
Responding to queries on project progress, impacts and lessons;
Developing and carrying out a personal learning plan;
Preparing reports and communications pieces effectively showcasing socio-economic development benefits as well as environment results

4. Institutional Arrangement

Portfolio Oversight Specialists will report to the Global Technical Specialist and Portfolio Coordinator;
Given the global nature of the portfolio, the Portfolio Oversight Specialist is expected to be reasonably flexible with his/her availability for regional and country consultations to be undertaken during this assignment taking into consideration different time zones;
Portfolio Oversight Specialist will be given access to relevant information necessary for execution of the tasks under this assignment;
Portfolio Oversight Specialist will be responsible for providing her/his own working station (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to a reliable internet connection;
Portfolio Oversight Specialist will engage regularly with the supervisor by email and Skype on a weekly and/or as needed daily basis;
Portfolio Oversight Specialist shall submit to the Supervisor a monthly progress report on the status of the implementation of tasks and use timesheets.

Achieve Results: LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact
Think Innovatively: LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems
Learn Continuously: LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences
Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands
Act with Determination: LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results
Engage and Partner: LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration
Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies

Thematic Area Name Definition
2030 Agenda: Planet Nature, Climate and Energy

Climate Change Policies: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)

Business Management Customer Satisfaction/Client Management

Ability to respond timely and appropriately with a sense of urgency, provide consistent solutions, and deliver timely and quality results and/or solutions to fulfil and understand the real customers' needs.
Provide inputs to the development of customer service strategy.
Look for ways to add value beyond clients' immediate requests.
Ability to anticipate client's upcoming needs and concerns.

Business Management Project management

Ability to plan, organise, prioritize and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals

Business Management


Ability to communicate in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner both through written and verbal communication; to tailor messages and choose communication methods depending on the audience
Ability to manage communications internally and externally, through media, social media and other appropriate channels

Business Management

Portfolio Management

Ability to select, prioritise and control the organization’s programmes and projects, in line with its strategic objectives and capacity; ability to balance the implementation of change initiatives and the maintenance of business as usual, while optimizing return on investment

Business Management Monitoring

Ability to provide managers and key stakeholders with regular feedback on the consistency or discrepancy between planned and actual activities and programme performance and results, including support at the webinars and official events

Partnership management Relationship management

Ability to engage with a wide range of public and private partners, build, sustain and/or strengthen working relations, trust and mutual understanding

Required Skills and Experience

Min. Education Requirements • Master’s degree in environmental or natural science, geography, natural resource management, development, economics, international relations, or other closely related field
Min. years of relevant Work experience • At least 5 years of experience working on Climate Change Mitigation and/or Adaptation, Transparency and Reporting, Capacity-building on Climate Policy or Strategies, or other related field
Required skills

  • Experience with project development, implementation oversight, and/or management;
  • Knowledge of the policy development processes and UNFCCC Conference of the Parties/Subsidiary Body for Implementation negotiations on climate change enabling activities for reporting obligations under the Convention and transparency frameworks
  • Experience working with developing countries
Desired additional skills


  • Experience working on projects submitted to or funded by the Global Environment Facility is highly desirable

cycle work is an advantage;

  • Working experience in an international organization is an advantage as is knowledge of UNDP policies, procedures and practices.
  • Fluency in French and/or Spanish is desirable

Required Language(s) (at working level)

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English

Professional Certificates N/A


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